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Here is a list of the top podcasts I subscribe to, with links to their iTunes channels. Listen as I explain why I love them, and how these podcasts might help you achieve your goals.

00:00: Welcome to Steal the Show with Michael Port, this is Michael. And today’s episode, is Common and Comical Questions from our listeners. And today’s question is from Betty Gottleib, hi Betty. Betty wants to know, what podcasts I listen to? Well thanks for the question Betty, here you go. These are not the only podcasts that I listen to, but they are podcasts that I really like and I think will be relevant to you for different reasons, and I’ll tell you what those reasons are. So, number one, and this is in no particular order, this is not number one’s the best, just number one. The Top Entrepreneurs in Money, Marketing and Business… Money, Marketing, Business, and Life. The Top Entrepreneurs in Money, Marketing, Business, and Life… It’s a long title, but it’s actually very good SEO title.

00:49: The show really is “The Top,” That’s the title that they use on the show; and I’ve been on the show, and that’s not why I say it’s really good, don’t listen to my episode, listen to other people’s episodes. The host is Nathan Latka who is a young guy, but incredibly smart. His energy is intense… He does these short, focused, really fun and funny episodes, and he often gets his guests to talk about business topics that they might not normally talk about. So I came on the show to talk about Steal the Show, the book, but that’s not what we talked about, we ended up talking about a whole bunch of other things, like the book launch, and I don’t remember what else. But the point is, The Top Entrepreneurs in Money, Marketing, Business, and Life, a great podcast.

01:35: Also, number two… “Money for the Rest of Us.” And the host is J David Stein. “Money for the Rest of Us.” It’s a personal finance show, and it’s on the economy, and retirement, and wealth, and thus far, I have found no conflict in the host’s content. Most of the shows that I have listened to, or attempted to listen to, around money, have a lot of conflict because the person who is selling… Or the host also sells financial products, and often the opinion is biased based on those products, what they sell. Which is fine, but if I’m looking for advice around money, finance, I want no conflict, and that’s tricky to find. Now obviously, I have conflict when I do my show, but it’s not going to take money out of your pocket, because I’m not charging fees for my advice, I’m saying go buy the book, or go to… Come to a program, and learn, make more, get build.

02:44: But it’s very different when it comes to money because, if you invest in a mutual fund with somebody, you’re giving them a commission, and then the mutual fund has additional commissions, and the higher the expense ratios, the lower your returns, etcetera, so the financial industry is ripe with conflict. And I like his show because I don’t find much conflict in his advice. Number three… Social Media Marketing Podcast. Social Media Marketing Podcast with Michael Stelzner. So Mike is a great interviewer. He actually has a background in communications and journalism, it’s one of the reasons that his interviews are so good. He is very, very thoughtful, he really gets his guests to stay focused, which is not as easy to do as you might imagine.

03:31: And I’ve been on his show as well, and he had me focusing on story-telling, and really made it very relevant to his audience; he’s great at taking guests and making sure what they’re teaching or introducing is specifically relevant to what his audience wants, and of course that’s social media related advice and training, etcetera. Number four The Fizzle Show. I like the Fizzle Show because the hosts are fun, they’re entertaining, and they are really good at structuring content. They are really advice-oriented. So I like that I can scroll through and look at the different shows that they offer, and I can pick out which shows I want to watch based on the content. And of course you can do that on most shows, but the way that they title the shows, it’s easier to see than most programs what you’re going to learn in that particular episode.

04:27: So it feels a little bit more like an audio course sometimes, I think the way Steal The Show does, when I do episodes solo where I’m walking through a particular technique say, “The Seven Steps for Better Rehearsal,” etcetera. So I really like their show. That’s one, two, three, four, five. The $100 MBA MBA Show. $100 MBA Show. And that is with Omar Zenhom, and full disclosure, Omar is also a friend, and I wouldn’t recommend his show unless I thought it was fantastic. He, I think, offers the most content on the web. So The Fizzle Show offers really good, very well structured content, and Omar does that as well, but the frequency of content delivery is unmatched, I think.

05:18: Every day, seven days a week, he delivers 10-minute episodes, and they are so clear, to the point, actionable. I love the show, because I like quick ones. I like podcasts that I can get in, I can get out, I get what… I get what I need, and I have trouble with two-hour or three-hour podcasts, and there are certainly folks who are doing those and they can be very interesting, but that’s a long period of time for me to spend listening to a podcast, and I tend not to listen to the same podcast over the course of a week, I would rather listen to lots of different podcasts that are more focused on specific things that I’m interested in. So I like The $100 MBA as well, I think they have something like 10 million downloads over the last year and they have done some extraordinary things.

06:04: Now I also like the TED Radio Hour. So that’s the, one, two, three, four, five, six… I’m counting ’cause I can’t read my chicken scratch with my numbers here. I think that’s the seventh. One, two, three, four, five, no it’s the sixth. The TED Radio Hour. And if you haven’t listened to TED Radio Hour… It’s on NPR but they also offer it as a podcast. If you haven’t listened to the TED Radio Hour, do so, because they dive deeper into TED Talks with the TED speaker. So, in the TED Talk, you just get 15 minutes but what they’re able to do in the radio show is spend an hour going deeper into that particular show with the speaker on their subject matter, on their area of expertise, so I like that a lot.

06:48: And then, seven, The Art of Charm with Jordan Harbinger, the host Jordan Harbinger. Again, another friend. I apologize that… For offering my friends to you but they just happen to do a great job. I don’t know the host of the TED Radio Hour, I don’t know the host of Money For the Rest of Us. Jeez I actually know the hosts of most of the rest of the shows. But in any event, when I was looking through my list, this is what I came up with, they were the shows I find most interesting and I actually listen to. So The Art of Charm, confidence, relationship advice, dating, that’s how they started, and they’ve been in the podcast business since 2008. So they are real experts, 2008. They get 2 million downloads a month. So they have progressed far past their initial mission which was dating advice. They were these young guys and they wanted to help men be more charming and, do a little bit better socially. And it’s interesting to watch their progression because it’s now… It’s almost 2016, and they have changed. They’ve grown older, they’re in relationships, they now are bringing on some of the most interesting guests that you could possibly get, and going deep into really very different types of topics, different subject matter.

08:12: And so, I think that they’re great, even if you’re not young, male, or single. So, I like them a lot as well. And also Jordan Harbinger, the host, he really challenges his guests. A lot of times, when you go… I’ve done hundreds of podcasts as a guest and often hosts don’t challenge me. Now, I’m not asking them to, I don’t think that they have to. If I’m offering something that doesn’t need to be challenged, then there’s no reason to challenge it. But very often, guests will bring ideas that, may not be sound or may not be very clear, and Jordan really pushes… Pushes his guests. He wants to make sure that they can demonstrate that there is some empirical evidence to back what they have to say, rather that if someone says, “Listen, you really should do these four things every morning because you’ll make more money.” And blah blah blah, and he says, “Okay. How do you know? Prove it.” “Well, I did.” “No. Can you give me more than just anecdotal advice.” So, he’s really interesting in his confidence and his ability to really drive his guests to give the most quality and, I think, substantial advice that they can give.

09:28: And then, finally, The Unmistakable Creative. And the host is Srinivas Rao, Srini is what he’s often called. The Unmistakable Creative. Now, he is a really, really neat guy. The… He positions this show as candid conversations, and he has very, very interesting guests, with the exception of me, I don’t know how I got on that one. But most of his guests are really quite compelling. And what he’s able to do is, he’s able to get them to talk about things that they never talk about. And those things are still relevant to the audience, and that’s what’s interesting. Because, just getting a guest to talk about something that they never talk about, might not actually be helpful to an audience. I mean, you can get me to talk about Ikebana, the Japanese art of flower arranging, but I know nothing about it except that I like to look at flowers when they’re arranged in that style.

10:26: So, he’s able to dig into their personal lives and their histories and their journeys, in a way that few others can. I think he’s really, really, quite good at that. So, now another reason to listen to him because you’ll often hear the same guests go from show to show to show, so if I’ve done a 100 shows, most of the show… Most all of the shows, except two of these, Ive been on, so you might not wanna listen to me again. You go, “Ah, I’ve heard Michael.” But then when you get to hear a guest that you’ve heard before on a Srini show, then that guest talks about something that you may have never heard of them talk about before, and it really is much deeper as a result.

11:13: Actually, I said, “Finally.” I’m gonna add one more to the list, the Good Life Project, with Jonathan Fields. He also is able to do the same thing. He’s a very, very, confident guy and he really drives his interviews, and he doesn’t let the guests take over the shows which, as a guest, I know is actually pretty easy to do, and he doesn’t let that happen. And he also challenges his guests and he really, really is raw, like he really gets to the core of things. So that’s the Good Life Project with Jonathan Fields. And those are the episodes, or those are the podcasts that I often listen to and I think you’ll like them too.

11:50: This is Michael Port. I love you very much, not in a weird way, but if you like the sound of my voice, listen to the other podcasts, they are very specifically directed at giving great presentations, public speaking, and, of course, performance in all aspects of your life. And if you like the sound of my voice, pick up the audio book of Steal the Show, you get that at Amazon, and Audible, wherever you buy your audio books, or pick up the hard copy anywhere books are sold. This is Michael Port signing off. Keep thinking big about who you are and what you offer the world. I love you but not in a weird way. I love you for being the big thinker that you are and also for your willingness to express yourself, to be fully self-expressed, sometimes in the face of potential criticism. Bye for now.